Saturday, March 6, 2010


WIPE OUT!!!!!!!!

In January I was walking to the bus stop after my internship was done for the day. I was worried because the bus was going to come in two minutes and I had to cross the street yet and walk a little ways before I would have made it to the bus stop. Plus I'm wearing three inch heels which makes it difficult to walk and it is starting to snow. I was panicked because as I was crossing the street the bus was coming. I was walking fast I as I crossed the street; however, when I walked up the street to make it to the bus stop sign I was running a little bit because the bus was turning on the street so as I was walking/jog that way I could make it to the bus stop sign and as I was doing that something caught my shoe (it was a stick I didn't know that until I took a quick glance behind me) and I went SMACK DOWN on my knee cap. I was so worried about not making the bus on time and the bus still stopped for me and and even though I wasn't standing by the sign I was able to get picked up. I ignored the pain I got up really quickly and took out my pass and was happy to be on the bus.

Then as I sat down I felt an intense pain shooting in my knee and I was wearing black pants so I looked down and my knee cap had a white stain and I'm thinking oh no I must be bleeding. So when I finally get back to my apartment I am bleeding all over my knee and I'm like I'm going to have a massive scar after this fall. Sure enough my scar is permanent and the size of it has not gone down since January.

So next time I have to be more careful and not run to catch the bus. Either that or get to the bus stop sign sooner.

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