I was nervous last Wednesday when I got my Research Methods I test back. First my professor tells me that she can't find my exam and that it may be upstairs and she'll check after class. Then I see everyone else has their test back and then my professor posts A B C on the black board so everyone knows how many received As, Bs and Cs. Then she writes the word other. I'm thinking may be that's my test isn't with the other tests because maybe I'm other. I'm thinking in my head as all of this is going on that I either failed the test or she gave me an other on my test because she couldn't read my essay responses. So now I'm sweating bullets knowing in my head that I can't wait 2 hours after the class to get my exam. Then she goes through another pile of papers and she said, "Amanda I found your test" and I'm like do I even want to see this grade? Is it worthwhile to know what I got? I'm going to have to retake it I just know it. So she hands it back to me and I'm reluctant to see it. I ask my friend who's sitting next to me what she got and she told me a 76 and I'm all oh my God what I wouldn't give to get a passing mark on such a hard test. Now I know I can retake the test if I failed but I don't want to have to do that. So I turn over my test and I see I got a 76!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes. I was shocked that I not only passed the test but that she could read my essay responses. I was soooo relieved. I told the woman sitting next to me in class that I was soooo happy and she was happy for me too. All I wanted to do was pass and not have to take it again because in a few weeks we have to take the final. I couldn't believe how stressed out I was at 8:30 in the morning and as tired as I was from the night before pulling an all nighter to finish an essay for another class. I couldn't believe I had enough energy to be nervous about my exam. I'm just grateful I passed. I just hate that gut wrenching feeling the day a teacher or professor hands you back your tests or essays it's soooo nerve racking espeically when they give you a lecture about how the class could have done better on it. Man I was so proud of myself. It was a hard test. I give anyone credit who got higher than a C and those who received the other grade 1) I feel horrible for them; however, they can always retake it and 2) thank god it isn't me because I don't have time to retake that test again let alone the patience to do so. It was a good day and maybe one day I'll get my PhD.
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