lots happened to me this morning:
1) I woke up at 5:00 to do a process recording for my field supervisor
2) Then at 6:00 I had to registrar for classes for the last time and what was supposed to take 5 minutes took 30!!!!!!!!!!! I have wifi and the internet connection failed two times, then I was logged off twice, then it took forever to have the course I wanted to registrar took forever to enroll so then I had to open up another browser. I was stressed. As I was enrolling for my courses it said it could not complete because I did not enroll for the field practicum first. I was sooooo angry!!!! I did not realize field had to be enrolled first before the courses and so I had to cancel the course and start over. I hate online registration!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I printed off the schedule when I finally was able to have all of my classes scheduled as it came out of the printer it was difficult to read. I canceled the current printing job and then I copied and pasted my schedule to a word document and made 4 copies one to my field adviser, one for my boss, one for myself, and one for my parents. I labeled on each of the schedules when I would be working and when I would be avaliable for my internship.
3) Then it was time to get ready for the day. After I showered, dressed, did my hair, ate, then it was time to brush my teeth, I had a massive coughing episode. I had a very difficult time catching my breath. I coughed so hard I started feeling dizzy and nauseous. Then I managed to get toothpaste in my hair. I checked to make sure a glob of it was not visible in my hair and this required me to look at two mirrors to make sure I was all set. I dabbed some water on my hair too just to make sure it wasn't visible.
4) Then my bus was late picking me up this morning and thankfully, my supervisor understood and was OK with me being a few minutes late to work.
5) At my placement I had to listen to a lot of residents tell me their life stressors and the difficulties they are currently experiencing. One resident yelled at me today and lucky enough I was able to redirect him and calm him down. He later sat down with me and told me why he hated the holidays and how he is never able to see his family. I feel bad for my residents they always have a lot to say because very few staff members sit down and talk with the them.
6) I was unable to have one of my residents watch a film which relates to his life. I was bummed. I had stayed up late the night before to watch it and I took some notes on it about how it relates to his life and how it can help him with his stressor/goal. Hopefully, by next Tuesday there will be a DVD player available so he can watch it. I think he will benefit seeing a person in a movie going through a similar experience he is currently going through.
7) After my internship my bus was late picking me up. I was worried I had missed it and maybe it came earlier. I strongly considered walking since it is only 2 miles; however, it was getting dark and I didn't want to walk back with minimal lighting outside.
Overall, I had a stressful morning and afternoon and I am just soooo thankful the day is over. I am so thankful my choking experience did not progress and have to receive help because my roommate had left for the day and nobody would have been there to help me out so luckily I was able to take care of it myself. I'm also grateful my sister did not revise my paper today because I was not in any mood to make track changes today on my paper that's due next week. I wanted to get it done early before Thanksgiving break and I have completed it I just want someone else to read it over. Tonight I also won a bet with my sister about how long our parents have been married and I get to have Bantam Pizza tomorrow. A medium pizza for myself with meatballs!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am looking forward to a nice relaxing, wonderful, turkey feast during the break. I cannot wait. I leave tomorrow to see my family and I could not be anymore excited than I am right now!!!!! :)
Sounds like a lot!! I am so happy you had a great Thanksgiving!