Sunday, February 28, 2010


So I'm not one to watch commercials let alone think any of them are funny. However, this past month I have seen two commercials that have caught my attention.

The first one is the new Charmin Ultra commercial where the mother bear and baby bear are looking at the stars with the telescope and the baby bear sees another red bear's behind with toilet tissue paper pieces on it. Who thought this was a way of marketing toilet paper???? I mean seriously who really needs to know who has toilet paper pieces left behind much less having to see that on television. When I first saw it I was cracking up hysterically. I thought to myself oh man this cannot be a commercial this is soooo wrong and then thought who has this problem??? who has toilet paper pieces stuck to their behind???? That is sooooo not the right way to market toilet paper. I never saw a commercial where I had laughed sooooo hard.


Commercial 2) I saw this cat food commercial a few weeks ago and I missed the first part of it but I heard the announcer's voice talking about fish and shrimp and they showed the shrimp and I was like that looks really good "yummy" and then come to find out it's a cat food commercial. Since when are cats eating better food than we are???

These are the only two commercials in the past month that I found hilarious and I thought I'd share my thoughts about it for those of you who read my blog.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I was surprised when I checked online this morning and saw that 8:30 classes were canceled. It didn't snow much today and then I called the School of Social Work campus and they said that all morning classes are canceled yet again. I did go to my work-study job in the finance department; however, I didn't go until 12:00 because the campus was closed due to the weather.

I was fortunate enough to miss another Wednesday of my morning class because we were supposed to have our midterm exam today. Good thing i have another week to study for it.

Unfortunately, I didn't have any embarrassing or funny moments today other than accidentally taking out $80 of the ATM machine and then having to make a cash deposit after I had already made a check deposit. I have blond moments a lot of the time. More to come.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!

I heard that there is going to be another snow storm in CT on Tuesday. Last Tuesday there was a snow storm and I called the school at 6:30 to see if the morning classes had been canceled. The automated voice said there's still school. I looked online at and the campus was not closed. I checked a couple of more times and the last time I tried was a 7. Then I said OK we definitely have morning classes even though it is still snowing and the roads seem pretty bad. I only live a mile from campus so I walked to school on un-shoveled sidewalks, and it was slippery. I was also carrying 30 pound on my shoulders and carrying an alpha-smart. I had to pack my lunch, waterbottle, 2 inch thick binder for class and my folder for work-study after my classes. I was lugging this on my hike to school and when I get to campus I see two professors walking over to me and they said, "Oh I feel so bad that you don't know." I said "Know what?" "All morning classes have been canceled." I say, "When was this posted?" "7:21 this morning". I say, "Well I have two back to back classes one at 8:30 and one at 10:45 why didn't anyone post this sooner?" I was so upset so I had to hike another mile with no break. I didn't even get to sit down and catch my breath when I entered the school. I had to leave as soon as I found out that school was closed because it was snowing much harder at that point which meant more difficult conditions to be walking in the snow!!! My work-study boss was so outraged that it was posted so late that he emailed the dean and he was upset that I had walked all this way and he told me not to come into work today because the snow was going to get worse. I hope if we do have a snow day on Tuesday that it will be posted much earlier in the morning so I don't have to make another hike like that again.